`Working the American Way` - Webooks releases free online ebook
Released on: December 14, 2007, 3:10 am
Press Release Author: Webooks.co.uk
Industry: Management
Press Release Summary: This book is for non-Americans who are, or will be, working with Americans in business, whether as colleagues, managers, suppliers, or customers. Authored by Robert Day, an American lecturer in International Business, it is designed to help readers negotiate cultural problems and seize opportunities in the American business world.
Press Release Body: An essential guidebook to American work ethics, "Working the American Way" offers information and advice on:
. Establishing and maintaining positive business relationships with Americans . Working in teams, with superiors, or subordinates . How to make a good impression, what not to say . The Rules of Play - deal-making and board meetings . Communication - using and interpreting speech and body language
The Webook is free to read online, and there is no need to register.
Robert Day is an American living in London. He lectures on working and doing business with the Americans at Farnham Castle Centre for International Briefing. It has an unmatched reputation for helping individuals, partners and their families to prepare to live and work effectively anywhere in the world.
On the Webooks site users can check out the author's blog, chat to other expatriates in the forum, and find useful websites in the directory. A PDF version of the ebook is also available to download from the online store.
With over 200 Webooks set to go online in the next few months, readers can also sign up to the newsletter to receive alerts when new titles are added to the online library.
Users can read the Webook for free here:
Working The American Way http://www.workingtheamericanway.info
For more information:
Webooks: Http://www.webooks.co.uk
How To Books: Http://www.howtobooks.co.uk
Web Site: http://www.workingtheamericanway.info
Contact Details: Webooks 45 Lafone Street London SE1 2LX editorial@webooks.co.uk +44 207 397 5412
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